
Showing posts from August, 2015


Remove acne Beauty is the main capital for a woman. Every woman will always keep his body especially for the face. Face an important asset for a woman, it is not only important because it can not be denied that the first part will be considered of a person is his face, not only men, fellow wanitapun if you see a face / face pretty happy and comfortable. Facial skin is sensitive skin due to direct dealing with dust and direct sunlight. A problem that is often complained by Indonesian women is the appearance of acne on the face. Indonesia is a tropical country, so that your skin type is oily Indonesian woman and would inevitably acne gets stuck in our face. Surely you are curious how to treat acne naturally? before we look for a solution to treat acne, it helps us know why we were approached by acne skin. Acne forms such as ulcers and there are different types of acne, there are common acne, cystic acne, and more. Haha I can not mention one by one since it is not the expert well...

Body Odor

Body odor Appearance is the number one thing that we usually pay attention primarily to women, but the appearance was not enough to support our convenience. One of the most favored of men about women is that women are always the fragrance / scent in his eyes. If there are some women who have a deficiency in terms of scent, do not worry about body odor (bb) which normally arise due to the bacteria lodged in our bodies. The bacteria that settle in the body organs especially the armpits, due to damp conditions. However, body odor is not only derived from the armpit, can be from other organs that triggers odor. In order to avoid unpleasant smells, then we recommended to always clean and good at taking care of our body, especially for some of the organs that can lead to odor. Well, here I am for the information to eliminate body odor of our bodies. There are two ways to tackle body odor, first by mouth and by the way made for a shower. We discussed ways to drink beforehand. To cr...

Hair loss

If previously we have discussed about beauty, is not complete if we do not discuss our crown of beauty as well. In addition to the face, another important asset for women is hair. Sometimes a lot of women who complain if their hair is thin, flimsy why? Because hair often fall out. How do I maintain the beauty of our beautiful hair so as not to fall out? In modern times like this we do not bother and dizziness to take care of the beauty of our hair to buy drugs with a hefty budget and not half-hearted even some people who do hair treatment at the salon. For those who have a budget high it may not matter, but it's good we use natural ingredients to take care of our hair, if there are materials that naturally why we chose to use drugs that have been clearly made from chemicals other we do not know clearly the composition of the drug. Although this is somewhat inconvenient but results will not harm those who want to try at home. To overcome the loss, we can use londo stubble ...

Tips Eliminate acne scars

Hello everyone, good afternoon. Semabari accompany hour break you I will share some of the beauty tips nih. If previously we have discussed about how to treat acne, there must be some women who have been able to cope with acne but still imprint in our face. Eits, do not worry Well this time I will share how to cope with acne scars? Black spots acne scars often make teenagers inferiority that looks so disturbed. There are two ways ya how to cope with acne scars. Okay immediately wrote we discussed how the first well. First, by using aloe vera. For materials needed there aloe vera and talcum powder (baby powder). How do I use? Before we use these materials, we have processed the first material that is easy to use. The first phase, we peeled tongue crocodile, wash them clean and then sliced ​​into small pieces and then blended until smooth, then dry in the sun for up to five minutes so that when worn / used does not itch. Well, if you already know how to process them fur...

Unique facts about Indonesia

Unique facts about Indonesia , I will post the information on our own country. Regarding the economic situation of our country weakened Indonesia certainly we as a nation are very sad, we are one of the countries affected by the world crisis. Indonesia is ranked number 2 after our neighboring country Malaysia (source News on tv). But this time we will not discuss the Rupiah weakened, I hope from this article, we love against the Indonesian state is growing. Indonesia is known as a country that is friendly, welcoming here is friendly to foreigners who are visiting the country of Indonesia. Some tourists when asked the first impression of the state of Indonesia is its friendly and kind, it can be pressed or indeed mode, and the second answer is Indonesian food tasty. Hahahaha so tourists coming to Indonesia away Just want to enjoy a delicious Indonesian cuisine. Indonesia is a country that has many islands, even so there are some beberita stating that the purchase of the isla...

pewarna alami

Selamat pagi semuanya, kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai makanan. Hmmm, pagi-pagi udah bahas makanan, jadi bikin laper yah? Info kali ini datang dari kuliner asli Indonesia, negeri kita tercinta. Tepatnya jajanan tradisional Indonesia yang biasa kita jumpai di Pasar tradisional. Bagi saya salah satu makanan ini enak, karena saya suka makanan asli Indonesia yang sesuai dengan lidah saya. Kali ini saya akan membahas yang namanya kue pisang, kue mangkok, dan klepon. Nah yang terakhir saya sebutkan merupakan salah satu jajanan yang saya suka. Makanan tradisional yang telah disebutkan aman untuk dikonsumsi kog. Jadi kita tidak perlu ragu untuk mencicipi kuliner ini. Kuliner asli Indonesia terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang aman dan tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet, pewarna yang dapat merugikan tubuh kita.  Tetapi, di Zaman secanggih ini, tidak sah kalo orang Indonesia tidak memodifikasi kuliner asli Indonesia dengan bahan-bahan yang tidak aman. Bukan salah makanannya ...

Tips gorgeous with the right diet

Healthy Diet for Long-term Hello, I'm back this time want to share information about beauty. Every woman wants to look beautiful especially for mas boyfriend or cemewew if sule kang said. That those who have married well, for those who already have a beautiful husband is also necessary. This time I am not going to discuss one by one how to be a woman always looks beautiful. But sometimes you have the wrong perception of the meaning itself is gorgeous. Criteria beautiful for some people might like a woman who has a beautiful face with a remarkable fashion branded equipped with a slender body shape. Well, actually criterion as it could easily get if the criteria for such a beautiful woman. By having a lot of money we can beauty eroleh easily, but not all things that can be bought with money it is good for our bodies. One of the most ditakutakan by women is when our bodies are overweight or obese is a fancy term. For women who are obese or overweight should never try to los...